January 8th, 2018 | Blog - International security | By Dania Koleilat Khatib
Bannon loses his mind and Trump loses everything
“He has lost his mind” this is what Trump said of Bannon, his senior advisor who was fired in August. Bannon is featured a book with explosive revelations about Trump, adding to the heat caused by the investigation into the collusion with the Russians. More importantly by losing Bannon Trump will be losing access to […]
December 27th, 2017 | Blog - Blog // Good governance
The hijack of thought, by Denis Kurunczi
The matrix Recent developments in Romanian political workings ask for clarifications. Together with media giants, political communicators, and social media users, politicians seem to seek to totally confuse the public and our partners. This is hopefully just a reflection of multiple channel public communication, a result of filtering and of media bubbles; I don’t suspect […]
November 15th, 2017 | Blog - European affairs
Behind the clouds, stars align for European defence, by Tania Latici
“More has been achieved in the last ten months than in the last ten years”[1] in terms of European defence, says High Representative Federica Mogherini. This November’s Foreign Affairs Council surely did just that. On 13 November, 23 EU Member States took part in a historic moment for European defence when jointly signing a notification […]
August 8th, 2017 | Blog - International security
It’s time to make America global again, by Harlan Ullman
Seemingly a long time ago, the United States could rightly be called the leader of the free world. In two world wars, America finally responded to help the allies win both. With the drawing of an iron curtain across Europe in 1946, the United States rallied friendly states to halt the spread of Soviet influence […]
August 1st, 2017 | Blog - International security
No good choices for new strategy in Afghanistan, by Harlan Ullman
The Trump administration reportedly is in the throes of concocting a “new” strategy for Afghanistan. No White House wants to lose a war, especially one that has its provenance in 1980 with the decision to arm the Afghan Mujahedeen against the invading Soviet army and in 2001 with the U.S. invasion into Afghanistan to punish […]
July 26th, 2017 | Blog - International security
Donald Trump rules like a bumbling emperor, by Harlan Ullman
Conventional wisdom holds that President Donald J. Trump is a non-politician who brought a disruptive and largely business-based approach to elected office. As a result, Trump has largely surrounded himself with Cabinet officers and senior staff who have succeeded in business. And the president bragged how easy governing would be and how great he would […]
July 20th, 2017 | Blog - International security | By Iuno Mavlea
What future for Tunisia… and its partners?
As the Arab Spring has slowly failed, Western investors in democracy focused their attention to the only democracy, however weak and menaced. Tunisia’s current challenges include terrorism, corruption, religious and economic cleavages, as well as lack of trust in its leaders. All of these influence the security environment and are crucial both for Tunisia as […]
July 18th, 2017 | Blog - International security
America, NATO and Russia: war games two can play, by Harlan Ullman
As this goes to press, most readers will be surprised to know that in Europe, from the Baltic to the Black Sea, about 30,000 NATO soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen, will be conducting major military exercises known as war games. A flotilla of NATO warships will be entering the Black Sea as part of these […]
July 5th, 2017 | Blog - Good governance
Democracy in America and Britain under assault, By Harlan Ullman
After the disastrous parliamentary elections in Britain that produced a coalition government, the prime ministership of Theresa May remains in freefall. The problem is that there is no obvious alternative or acceptable Conservative leader to rally the nation and stabilize the party. And many Tory politicians are fearful that even the hint of a leadership […]
April 13th, 2017 | Blog - Good governance | By Corneliu Visoianu
Geuropa and European Parliament with 300 members
President Junker’s reaction to President Trump’s salutations to Brexit was to support the independence of some US states. The tensions between Brussels and Washington are basically the extrapolation of the tensions between London and Berlin to negotiate the Brexit contract, whose bill, estimated at Brussels, amounts to 50 billion pounds. The total or partial payment, […]

The 2017 edition of the Strategikon Annual Book – The Year of Challenging Choices
It’s not easy to be a leader, but the solution is closer than people may think and it has to do with returning to some good old fashioned traits that shaped leaders in past decades: will power, values and vision. Launched at the Good Governance Summit, The Year of Challenging Choices strives to understand the fault lines in international relations and the relevant actors, as they are and not how they appear to be.
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