March 1st, 2017 | Articles - Good governance - Good governance
STRATEGIKON report on Good Governance: Political leadership lifecycles in challenging times: Europe and America
There is a clear need to reform political leadership in Europe and America in order to strengthen democracy and citizen trust. This is involves policy and strategy issues but also an acknowledgement of the fact that political elites currently have a deficit of communication. Although an essential function of political life, elites’ public discourse has […]
March 1st, 2017 | Articles - Good governance - Good governance
2016 Romanian Parliamentary election
Party platforms 2016 has been a year of complex referendums, of many national elections and of severe changes in the international and national political arenas. In a few days, Romanians will go out to vote their next Parliament in an environment of popular distrust, corruption scandals, and gridlock of processes and institutions. This Strategikon project […]
January 1st, 2017 | Articles - Good governance - Good governance
Platformele partidelor
2016 a fost un an al marilor referendumuri si a numeroase alegeri nationale. În câteva zile, românii vor vota urmatorul Parlament, pe fundalul neîncrederii generale, al scandalurilor privind coruptia politicienilor si al blocarii proceselor si a institutiilor. Acest proiect Strategikon prezinta platformele principalelor partide: PSD, PNL, USR, ALDE. Observam o lipsa a consensului privind chestiunile […]
The 2017 edition of the Strategikon Annual Book – The Year of Challenging Choices
It’s not easy to be a leader, but the solution is closer than people may think and it has to do with returning to some good old fashioned traits that shaped leaders in past decades: will power, values and vision. Launched at the Good Governance Summit, The Year of Challenging Choices strives to understand the fault lines in international relations and the relevant actors, as they are and not how they appear to be.
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