Blog // European affairs
November 15th, 2017 | European affairs
Behind the clouds, stars align for European defence, by Tania Latici
“More has been achieved in the last ten months than in the last ten years”[1] in terms of European defence, says High Representative Federica Mogherini. This November’s Foreign Affairs Council surely did just that. On 13 November, 23 EU Member States took part in a historic moment for European defence when jointly signing a notification […]
March 1st, 2017 | European affairs | By Mihai Chihaia
Middle East in distress – prospects for the European Union
As strongly predicted, 2017 will continue to keep Middle East in turmoil and the near future seems to see no substantial improvement. In spite of these, the EU pledged to enhance its commitment and assistance to the region in the continuous attempt to ensure stability in its neighborhood. This article will briefly address the priority […]
December 7th, 2016 | European affairs | By Corneliu Visoianu
A streetcar named Desire
Both Matteo Renzi’s loss in the constitutional referendum and, Alexander Van der Bellen’s win in the Austrian presidential election set the scene of a Europe frightened by the prospect of change. The tendency to elect elderly leaders, appearing to guarantee equilibrium and maintain the status quo, has been turning Europe into a group of enclaves, […]
November 24th, 2016 | European affairs | By Corneliu Visoianu
Referendum for Referendums
2016 will go down in history as the year of great elections among which the referendums occupy a prominent place. There were many surprises and the time of the exit polls seems to have passed. Black swans for the analysts, but natural shifts for the population, these trends change the fate of the planet and […]
September 14th, 2016 | European affairs | By Paul Turcu
Is the EU heading for failure in the Sahel?
The European Commission has recently tabled a controversial proposal that may discretionarily empower military bodies of developing states and create a favourable environment for abuse. The “Instrument contributing to Peace and Security (IcSP), as it is called, might receive critical amendments which could see up to 100 mil. EUR diverted for military aid purposes. Thus, […]
August 24th, 2016 | European affairs | By Costin Ciobanu
One key thing the EU can learn from the Canadian refugee policy
At a time of sorrow and despair for the EU, and with the refugee issue a core fault line in the Old Continent’s politics, the Canadian policy of privately sponsored refugees could offer a solution to building bridges of understanding among diverse communities I arrived in Canada from Romania on July 31st, 2015. Two days […]
August 11th, 2016 | European affairs | By Vlad Dan Roman
The Brexit Negotiation between internal market access and international security desiderates
The well anticipated EU-UK divorce is far from it having set its agenda; as several frameworks are being put upfront, scholars and professionals try to figure out the general model in which the relationship between the two parties will be embedded (e.g. UK joining the EFTA association, a negotiated bilateral agreement alike the ones with […]
August 2nd, 2016 | European affairs | By Radu Georgescu
Europe and the future war against ignorance
The divorce between the European Union and the United Kingdom represents the most recent proof of a profound crisis of identity and leadership affecting the old continent. The European Union failed in addressing the citizens of the block, becoming an anemic bureaucratic build up. At the same time, politicians across the EU transformed the block […]
July 20th, 2016 | European affairs | By Radu Magdin
The three main paths to solve the West-Russia stand-off
NATO’s Warsaw summit was not only a key event per se but also highly relevant in terms of “winning hearts and minds”, by virtue of the experts‘ conference organized in its margins. Highly informative was particularly, for people passionate about NATO-Russia relations, the panel with Dmitri Trenin (Director of Carnegie’s Moscow Center) and Andrey Kortunov […]
February 14th, 2016 | European affairs | By Radu Magdin
Ukraine in the Trump and Brexit era: what Kyiv should do now
Irrespective of how one looks at the issue, it is not easy to be Ukraine in 2017. Not easy at all: separate from the renewal of hostilities in Eastern Ukraine, geopolitical sands are shifting. The Trump factor has reset the global game of power and a new equilibrium, with major consequences for world politics, is […]

The 2017 edition of the Strategikon Annual Book – The Year of Challenging Choices
It’s not easy to be a leader, but the solution is closer than people may think and it has to do with returning to some good old fashioned traits that shaped leaders in past decades: will power, values and vision. Launched at the Good Governance Summit, The Year of Challenging Choices strives to understand the fault lines in international relations and the relevant actors, as they are and not how they appear to be.
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