European affairs
Strategikon strives to act as a catalyst for new solutions and policies in matters concerning the challenges of EU reforms and two/ multiple speed Europe, the main social issues affecting or enabling East-West Perspectives on Integration, as well as the reforms in the wider Black Sea Region.
From enhanced cooperation to two or multiple speed Europe, the EU has been under constant quest to adapt its functioning to the reality of enlargement and the needs of an ever more complex international reality. As competing visions on the EU and its future take hold of public discourse, we analyze the tools EU institutions have in fighting the political attraction of Brussels-bashing. In this state of mind and affairs, the East wants to contribute to the leadership of the EU but does not have the power and the experience of the West. On the other hand, the West lacks the backing of a Europe-wide “we”, as there is no clear definition of “we”. While Western and Eastern Member States have diverging priorities ranging from geopolitical challenges (Russia) to concrete problems like managing the refugee wave, Strategikon strives to act as a catalyst in defining a common, current EU identity and to argue why it is important to stick together.